
Dihedral is powered by five simple concepts.

1. Provider Modules

Provider modules are structs with associated “provider” methods, which is an exported method that returns an instance of some type. These methods are called directly at runtime when the injection is performed. Provider functions can take parameters that are injected.

type MyProviderModule struct {}
func (m *MyProviderModule) ProvidesSQLDatabase(tableName TableName) *SQLDatabase {
    return &SQLDatabase{tableName: tableName}

2. Binding Modules

Binding modules are interfaces that “bind” implementations to an interface. Each method on the interface is treated as a type binding and is expected to have one parameter and one return type. The return type is an interface, and the parameter type is a struct that implements that interface. During injection, instances of that interface will be provided by the bound implementation.

Binding modules also have a special Modules() method. This method takes no parameters and returns a list of other modules to use. This is useful for encapsulating logic in modules that can then be used as an entire unit.

type MyBindingModule interface {
    Modules() (*MyProviderModule, MyOtherBindingModule)
    BindsDatabase(impl *SQLDatabase) Database

3. Struct Injection

Dihedral can automatically inject structs. This reduces a huge amount of boilerplate and keeps provider modules very small. To inject a struct, it must contain a non-exported field of type embeds.Inject. By default, all exported fields are injected. To skip a field, add the tag di:"-".

type Service struct {
    inject       embeds.Inject
    ServiceDB    Database
    RequestCount int           `di:"-"`

4. Components

Components defined what gets injected. Ultimately, Dihedral generates a component struct and constructor function that conforms to the component interface. The methods on a component return fully injected types.

type ServiceComponent interface {
    InjectService() *Service

Once the code is generated, an implementation of ServiceComponent can be created using digen.NewDihedralServiceComponent().

5. Definitions

Definitions define the configuration for the injection. A definition is an interface that specifies the target component for the injection. Like binding modules, definition interfaces also include a Modules() method that specifies which modules to use for injection.

type ServiceDefinition interface {
	Modules() (*ServiceModule, dbstore.DBBindingModule)
	Target() ServiceComponent